Monday, May 9, 2011

tape and curl

It looks a little weird. Idk why :|

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Reflection Paper

During my junior year I have grown up a lot in many situations. The realization of the fact that I soon will be graduating has engulfed my thoughts more than anything else. Thinking about colleges and my grades were basically all I cared about during my first semester. I worried so much about this that I forgot to have fun and be a teenager. Throughout the year I’ve suffered heartbreak, broken hearts, disappointment, happiness, and most importantly I’ve lived my life to its full potential. I dated my ex for about three months and called it off for a reason that didn’t even exist. I broke his heart, I crushed it. Just recently have I realized how stupid I was and how much he means to me, but on the bright side we’re still good friends. I was greatly disappointed whenever I found myself being apart of a situation with a certain guy that wasn't me. I seem to like bad boys, which my parents put a stop to immediately. Currently though I'm content having no man. :) This year I also discovered my love for music and how I enjoy writing and going to the Stafford to see bands perform. I support The Sea of Wolves and Rosaline at the moment. They’re phenomenal. What I’ve learned for this class is to have patience and read the directions more than once! I also discovered that I really do love designing, even though I am a little bit slower when it comes to certain projects. I had prior knowledge of Photoshop, but illustrator and InDesign I had never messed with. Illustrator was by far my favorite and I felt was the easiest thing to learn. Photoshop took me a little while because of all the layers and complexity. InDesign wasn’t necessarily hard; it was just time consuming and boring… However, it’s a good program to know. Aside from school, other things that have been good this year are my job and the birth of my new baby sister. Work has been going great. I have received two raises, however I am in talks with a manager of mine who happens to be opening up his own business this coming August and wants to make me a shift manager, so we will see! The birth of my new baby sister, Sophia Elaine, has overjoyed me. I love family. So yeah, overall my junior year was pretty good. Some setbacks and some good moments. That’s life.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I wanted to go for a space theme. I love the way space looks, so I used that as my background. It may seem like I'm obsessed with Lindy (lolololll:)) but those are basically the only pictures I have. So by default I chose to do an "Ode to DIM" because we all took that class last year and have graphic design this year. It's pretty cool. So yeah. Hope I get a good grade, eh? :D

Text in bark

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Surface Blur
Box Blur
Gaussian Blur

Inner Me

I absolutely loved the wall and fell in love with the idea of my inner me being a bird. Futher explanation of this thought isn't necessary. :) I clone stamped the girl out and made myself black and white.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Not too proud of this, but I'm still getting used to Photoshop. :P

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011


My cranes. I don't think the flowers were suppose to be black on the bottom, but I couldn't figure it out. :(

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Yeah, I didn't have the cool shapes like the tutorial did. I thought this tree looked cooler compared to the rock looking thing. Yeaaaaaah.