Friday, August 27, 2010

Ashley Camarillo- My Bio! [:

So I've been told that I should blog about myself. The way I take, "blog about yourself," is more than likely not the way my teacher, Mrs. Klein, is thinking about. So, with that being said, I'll do it the way I believe she wants me to do it. Hm, here it goes. (: As a person I'm unique. One of a kind. I have a different view on life. I'm sixteen years old and when I say I'm not your typical teenager, it's not an over exaggeration. I enjoy the little things in life and I believe that's how the whole world should be. If we take time to go for a walk outside and enjoy the NATURAL beauty we have graciously been given, we would all feel better inside. It's little things like that, that make me happy to be alive. That was my little preview about who I am, but here goes the other part that I believe Mrs. Klein wants to hear. (: Over the summer I tried to stay outside as much as possible. Hiking, tubing, fishing, camping, laying in my hammock, and tanning were more than definitely the highlight of my summer. Although I did go river hopping, which is where you go to different rivers and tube down them in a certain amount of time. It was great, but other then that I hung out with friends. Now onto some of my personal life? I really don't know what to say.. hm, my family is separated. I live with my mom and step dad and my dad and step mom live in town. In a way it's really not a great thing, but then again it's wonderful in so many aspects. <3 I have 2 siblings, where neither of them are 100% biological. My step sister is thirteen, she's an absolute genius and the weirdest person I've ever met. My half sister is one and is my love. I adore her more than anything, she makes me smile more than any other living being on this Earth. My mom is pregnant again, with what we hope to be is a boy. I have three dogs and two cats. Oh and a fish named Oliver. I have an amazing boyfriend as well. (: I work at Chicken Express, which I absolutely love. It's not the most glamorous job, but everybody there is pretty great, so it makes it more fun. I take part in my youth, STAY, and am apart of the PULSE team there. It's one of the best things ever. I love music. It gets me through anything. A Day To Remember is my absolute favorite band in the world, thanks to my boyfriend Ricky. (: I used to play sports, but quit after I injured both my knees, so now I'm just a student who has dreams of going to Texas or TCU to pursue a career in journalism, sports management, or design. Who knows? (: Oh and my personality color is blue! :D

1 comment:

  1. The Coke with different textures look so cool, I would drink them all!
